Plants are $12 each and can be ordered by clicking the image. You may also submit an order form along with your payment in-person during church office hours OR place an order form along with your payment in an offering basket on Sundays. Order forms are available in the Welcome Center.  

Fun, Fellowship, Golf, Lunch, Grand Prizes! Lauderdale Scramble. Put together your own foursome or sign up as a single and make new friends! The Providence Club in Monroe, GA on May 12, 2025. Don't miss Early Bird registration of $90 per player by May 3rd. $100 registration after May 3rd. Benefiting GUMC Missions and Grayson Men's Scholarship. Download Brochure

Join us for our last Grayson Table gathering of the season for Chick-Fil-A night!

You can pay at the door but you MUST have a reservation. Food will be served from the kitchen, and we will be eating in the Fellowship Hall!

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