For the last seven years, GUMC has partnered with Craig and Joanna McClure in San José, San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic and sent an international mission team to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. This year’s trip saw eighteen of us return to work once again. Each trip has two goals in mind. First, there is a construction project we have five days to complete. Some buildings we’re thankful to have worked on in the past include the Church in San José, a water purifying plant, a classroom and administration building, a community kitchen and eating area, several villagers’ homes, and finally, not the most glamorous of structures, but absolutely necessary to every day life – many latrines. Second, we send part of our group out each day to the surrounding villages to talk about Jesus, usually through an event like VBS where we gather as many children from that location. We have an opportunity to talk with their parents, hand out health kits we make as a team that include basic items like soap and toothpaste, and make follow-up visits to further build relationships in new places. Over our time serving, we have helped Craig establish many new churches in these villages. It is a continued blessing to serve in the Dominican Republic, and we are already planning for next year’s trip! If you would like to get involved, please let us know by emailing


A Sampling of the Missionaries We Support


Craig and Joanna McClure

The McClures work as Missionaries to the Dominican Republic. Craig pastors new churches bringing the Gospel to people in dire need of good news. He and his team also established and staffed a medical clinic in local village, while training new pastors who live in the Dominican Republic to plant and pastor new churches. Follow on Facebook.

Carey Childrey, Paraclete Ministries 

Works as a trainer, coach, and mentor to mission organizations across the globe through Paraclete Missions Group. Cary works with the Asian Christian Academy and other educational organizations across the globe to theologically educate new pastors and leaders in third world countries. Follow on Facebook.

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