Grayson Table Wednesday Night Supper
Served in the Fellowship Hall with reservation to
Adult Small Groups and Classes
Adult Small Groups and Classes meet at various times and locations. Visit for more details.
GSM Middle School and High School
Gather with us for worship, fellowship, a message and breakout groups. Middle Schoolers meet in the PLC to start; High Schoolers, meet us in the GSM office and Room 3.
Sunday Worship Service at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00
Join us for in-person worship! We offer Traditional Worship services in the Sanctuary at both 8:30 and 11:00, and Contemporary Worship in the PLC at 9:30.
To worship with us online, Click here at 9:30 or 11:00 to view a live stream of these services.
Sunday Worship Service at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00
Join us for in-person worship! We offer Traditional Worship services in the Sanctuary at both 8:30 and 11:00, and Contemporary Worship in the PLC at 9:30.
To worship with us online, Click here at 9:30 or 11:00 to view a live stream of these services.
Visitation and Service for Liticia Weissinger
Visitation is at 1:00pm in the Welcome Center followed by Celebration of Life Service at 2:00pm in the PLC/Gym.
Grayson Men Meeting & Dinner
Men, join us in the CLC. To register for dinner, please email
GSM Middle School and High School
Gather with us for worship, fellowship, a message and breakout groups. Middle Schoolers meet in the PLC to start; High Schoolers, meet us in the GSM office and Room 3.
Adult Small Groups and Classes
Adult Small Groups and Classes meet at various times and locations. Visit for more details.
Grayson Table Wednesday Night Supper
Served in the Fellowship Hall with reservation to
Created to Be Creative Art Class
Join us in the CLC building. Materials cost is $3 and you can pay at the door.
North Forke Plantation HOA Meeting
Will meet in the Sanctuary; enter through church main entrance.
Sunday Worship Service at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00
Join us for in-person worship! We offer Traditional Worship services in the Sanctuary at both 8:30 and 11:00, and Contemporary Worship in the PLC at 9:30.
If you prefer to worship with us online, Click here at 9:30 or 11:00 to view a live stream of these services.
AARP Drive Training
in CLC; pre registration required; contact Dale Mowery for info at