Welcome to our GraysonKids Children’s Ministry

Alia Ellison

Children’s Ministry Director

We are so excited to love on our GraysonKids! Below are ways that we can stay connected with you and your family!

We are praying for you - ALWAYS! Please do not hesitate to reach out to our GraysonKids staff if there is anything that we can assist you with.


Rebekah Shuler

Children’s Ministry Coordinator


Here at GraysonKids we will worship, participate in large group activities, dive deeper in age appropriate small groups, and so much more. When you arrive you will enter through the welcome center where the greeting team will guide you to the Graysonkids check-in stations. We have a special area reserved for first-time registrations. You will scan the QR Code to register your child. Our GraysonKids staff and volunteers will greet your family at the designated location to gather any additional important information needed to complete your child’s profile.

After registration you and your child will be given matching security name tags that are unique to your family. Your child will wear the name tag and it will be paired with your portion during pickup. From matching security tags to background checks and safe sanctuary training, we go to great lengths to ensure our church is a safe and wonderful experience for your family.

We ask that all first time families arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the scheduled program begins.

  • GraysonKids on Sunday: 9:30am and 11:00am

  • GraysonKids on Wednesday: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

You can find a day camp for just about anything. What about one focused on forming faith and friendships?

Grow brings the powerful experience of camp ministry to local churches. Packed with activities that contribute to learning new skills and building Christian community, the focus throughout is for each camper to grow deeper roots in their faith (grow spiritually), in their ability to work as a team (grow socially), and in self-confidence as a loved child of God (grow individually).


GraysonKids Worship On Wednesday!

Calling ALL GraysonKids PreK 3 - 5th grade! Join us from 6:00 to 7:30p.m. for GraysonKids Worship on Wednesday (WOW)!

Growing spiritually doesn’t have to be an unsolved mystery! Our GraysonKids will explore a few of Jesus’ parables to solve the mysteries of how to grow their faith, and how to care for, serve, and love others. They’ll discover that the answers have been there all along: spend time with God, spend time with others, use your gifts, and share your story!!!!!

Elementary GraysonKids (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)- Check in at the GraysonKids check in station and begin the evening in the gym.

Preschool GraysonKids (Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4)- Check in at the GraysonKids check in station and begin the evening on the GraysonKids hallway in rooms 225 and 226.

Pickup will be upstairs on the GraysonKids hallway from Room 222.

GraysonKids on Sunday

GraysonKids Grow Sunday School - 9:30am

Calling all GraysonKids! Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. as we meet for Sunday School small group classes upstairs on the GraysonKids Hallway. We will introduce a fun new series title and theme to go along with the month’s Bible stories! Our amazing leaders are excited to pour into each of our kids as we share what it means to GROW spiritually at church, at home, and out in our community.

GraysonKids Glee Club and Preschool Praise and Worship on Sunday - 11:00am

We hope you’ll join us on Sundays at 11:00 for GraysonKids Glee Club in Room 222 upstairs on the GraysonKids hallway. Starting August 11th we’ll begin preparing for our Christmas Eve performance on 12/24. The children will have an opportunity to lead worship during that time.

After the break we will kickoff the New Year by presenting our GraysonKids with new material for our Spring performance. All GraysonKids Pre-K 3 – 5th grade are able to participate in Preschool Praise and Worship and Glee Club on Sundays.

GraysonKids FIRST Sunday Family Worship

Every first Sunday of the month preschool and elementary kids are invited to worship with their families during the 9:30 and 11:00am services.

Therefore there will be no programming on the GraysonKids hallway.

Nursery is available for children 2 years and under.

GraysonKids Nursery on Sunday - 9:30am & 11:00am

Infants - Room 106

Toddlers - Room 115

We are excited to offer nursery childcare for our littlest GraysonKids ages 2 and under for our Sunday morning church services at 9:30 and 11:00. Our babies and toddlers enjoy singing, dancing, crafts and cuddles while the adults attend service.

You will be greeted by a nursery staff member who will be ready to receive your child, their belongings, along with any special instructions you may have for them.

Please Note: Nursery is available to Wednesday night volunteers and to those who attend small groups during scheduled Wednesday night GraysonKids programming.

We welcome you to register using the link below before arrival or you may scan the QR code at the nursery classroom prior to drop-off.

Are you interested in volunteering for GraysonKids?

There are many ways you can serve in GraysonKids. Whether you are interested in Sunday school, nursery, Wednesday night, special events, or volunteering behind the scenes, we have a place for you.