Welcome to Grayson Student Ministry High School!

We are so excited to welcome you into our student ministry family! We have a place just for YOU! Our goal is for every high schooler to know God, connect in community, and to serve those around them.

See below how you can get plugged in.

Anna Holman

High School Youth Pastor

GSM High School on Wednesdays

Calling all high school students! We are inviting YOU to join us on Wednesdays! 6pm to 7:30pm is for fellowship, games, worship, a message, and small groups. Meet us down the Youth Hall!

How can you register? Show up on a Wednesday, and we will register you then.

Joining us for midweek programming is an incredible way for our students to create meaningful community, grow in their faith, and to be discipled by our adult leaders.

Journey to Easter with GSM High School

Hey high school students! Join us every Wednesday (besides spring break week) leading up to Easter as we journey towards the cross together. Each week we will be learning more and more about the attributes of Jesus, what He specifically did for us when He died on the cross, and how that changes our lives. Invite your friends and join us from 6pm to 7:30pm. See you there!

Easter Sunrise with GSM

Calling our GUMC Family! Join us Sunday, April 20th at 7am for our student-led Easter Sunrise Service! This is an incredible opportunity to be lead in prayer, worship, scripture, and message by the next generation. We hope you join us!

Guys Night: Airsoft

Calling all high school guys! Join us Sunday, April 13th as we head to GE Airsoft for some friendly competition, fellowship, and a meal. The cost to play is $25. Invite your friends and sign up below to join us!

Senior Sunday

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Happening Sunday, May 18th at our 9:30am service is Senior Sunday! What's going on? What do I have to do to be a part of it?

Seniors... please email Anna Holman (gsm@graysonumc.org) your full name, baby photo, graduation photo, where you are graduating from, and your plans for post graduation.

We will have a breakfast for our seniors and their families at 8:30am in the Fellowship Hall. We will recognize our seniors at the 9:30am service and at the beginning of the 11am service.

There is something else... you have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship from our Grayson Men's Committee! Click the link below for the application. Once completed, please turn it in at Grayson UMC by Friday, April 18th. Interviews will be Sunday, May 4th.

We are so excited to celebrate the next chapter that God has for our graduating seniors!

Sunday School

Join us on Sunday mornings at 11am down Sanctuary Hall in the GSM Office. During this time we have fellowship, a light snack, and an opportunity to dive into scripture and discussion.

Remind 101

We have opportunities each week for you to join us and we don’t want you to miss it! We also want to pray for you! Join our Remind 101 texts so you can stay up to date on what’s going on and so we can pray for you.

***Prayer requests are private and will not be made public

Small Group

High schoolers! Interested in joining a small group that meets in a home every week? We have one for you!

What can you expect? This is an opportunity for deep community, to grow more in your faith, lots of fun, biblical content, and to be discipled by an adult leader.

Please reach out to Anna Holman if you are interested.