A Letter from Trenton Dockery
Rev. Trenton Dockery
Lead Pastor - Grayson UMC
Friends and Family,
Jesus came full of grace and truth (John 1:14-17). It almost seems incongruent. However, I’ve seen God do wonders when the grace and truth of Jesus is lived into. I am convinced in His inclusive call to an exclusive way. I will trust His leading and wisdom moving forward.
The General Conference of the United Methodist Church has voted to permit clergy to perform same-sex weddings and will no longer maintain a barrier for openly practicing homosexuals to become clergy in the church. I felt led to share my heart with you as an act of hospitality. Through much prayer, discernment, engagement with others and research, I want to minister with grace and truth to all. This means the following:
-I will work to ensure all are treated with sacred worth, dignity, and value.
-I will practice and set a standard for all to honor God with our bodies and minds in this area, regardless of their influence or position in the church.
-I will work to make the church inclusive to single and married people through the promotion of life groups where all are receiving true encouragement and accountability to live Godly lives.
-I will only consider officiating a marriage between a man and a woman.
I truly respect every individual I get to pastor. I know everyone is not of one mind on this and so many other things. I hope I continue to preach and teach God’s word in such a way that we all (especially me) continue to wrestle with God’s will and God’s way. I believe the Gospel, when preached in a spirit-filled manner, will challenge and comfort us all, wherever we may be on our spiritual journey. Please know I do not preach and lead for consensus nor for popularity; all I do is out of deep reverence for the Lord. It is Him that I aim to represent well and please.
To all, especially those who are in the LGBTQIA+ community, I want to say something true. Jesus doesn’t force His way on to us or force us to deny ourselves. He invites us to consider His way as the best way to live. He wants compelled servants, not hostages. Believers, like me, willingly put His will and ways above our own daily to follow Him. He’s that good! Relationships change us, for better or for worse. I’ll stake my life on the idea that choosing a relationship with Jesus Christ is the best decision you could ever make. Don’t run away from the church. I will offer grace and truth to you no differently than anyone else because I believe the Gospel is Good News for all. Let’s seek His will together.
I also want to say that I know I don’t speak for everyone. Many knowledgeable pastors think differently than me. I invite conversation and discussion on this and other matters. I know I don't know everything; I want to stay humble for God to guide me (Psalm 25:9). I write this to you all to tell you where I am and that I intend to always walk in integrity.
I want to be your pastor. Follow me as I follow Christ. He’s worth it.
Rev. Trenton Dockery, Lead Pastor
Grayson United Methodist Church
“Compassion & Conviction” Sermon Series Insight
The Vision Committee has walked with Grayson UMC as church consultants and played a large role in helping our church navigate the changes within the UMC. Rev. Trenton Dockery preached a sermon series on Sexuality called “Compassion & Conviction: What Do We Do with Our Bodies” during Lent of 2024. Here are the survey results from that series.
In light of the recent developments at the 2024 General Conference, the Vision Committee presented a survey among our congregation. This was done to understand the current sentiments and perspectives within our church community regarding the changes that have taken place.
We are now in a position to share with you the collective response of our church family. Here is how the church responded.
The Vision Committee has reached out to the North Georgia Conference to inquire about the possibility of gracious exits, similar to those offered by other conferences. We are currently awaiting their response. Please be assured that our commitment to support the mission and vision of Grayson United Methodist Church remains steadfast as we navigate these changes together. Should you have any questions or concerns, please email vision@graysonumc.org.
Below, you will find the list of our Vision Committee members for the year 2024.
Stephanie Arrington, Co-Chair
Sean Pender, Co-Chair
Ed Hulsey
Dawn Leece
Barbara Peck
Leigh Willis
Samantha Wood