Take a look at all that we offer for Adult Ministries at GUMC!
GUMC 101 Class
Led by: Pastors and Staff
Are you new, or not so new, and/or have questions about the United Methodist Church in general and Grayson United Methodist in particular? Please join us for our next GUMC 101 class! This is a time to engage with some of our leaders and experience life with us in a more intimate setting. We will meet after church on Sunday at 12:15 in room 2. A light lunch will be provided. Stay tuned for our next class.
Adult Sunday School Classes and Small Groups
Looking to join a Sunday school class or group either before or after Sunday services? We offer many classes for different ages, men, women, and couples. We focus on fellowship, learning, and everything in between. We’d love to have you join us!
Adult Wednesday Classes and Small Groups
We were made for relationships — with God and with others. To move towards these relationships, we have Wednesday small groups and classes that focus on building relationships with others centered around Jesus.
Other Adult Classes and Groups Throughout the Week
We long to grow in our relationship with and knowledge of Jesus. While we love to see you on Sundays and Wednesdays, we do have other classes, studies, and groups happening throughout the week. We trust that you are able find a place that is a good fit for your busy schedule as you seek to deepen your walk with the Lord. We will continue to update new opportunities for growth as they come onboard.
Senior Adult Ministries (SAMS)
Our SAMS group is an active and vital part of our church family. We meet several times each month for fellowship, for meals, for Bible study, for day and overnight trips, and more. There is always great food, fellowship and fun! There is no minimum or maximum age to join us. We hope you will join us!
Women’s Ministries
United Women in Faith of Grayson
Grayson’s United Women in Faith is a long standing organization of mission oriented women who belong to active small groups called “circles”. These small group circles allow members an opportunity to focus on special mission interests within the church and beyond! Please take a look at the circles offered to women of all ages and backgrounds at Grayson United Methodist Church. We are a diverse group of service-minded women who meet monthly for programs, mission outreach to women and children, food, fun and fellowship. There is always a spot for you!
For information, contact the church office at 770-963-2944 OR email us at: jnglnn@bellsouth.net
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am in Room 2 on the Sanctuary Hall. Come and join us!
Circle of Joy
Circle of Joy meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:00 pm in Room1on the Sanctuary Hall.
Sisters in Faith Bible Study
Sisters in Faith is a loving and caring group of women, and new members are always welcome. We meet Thursday mornings at 10:00 am in Room 2 on the Sanctuary Hall. Please come join us.