There are so many ways you can plug in and get your families involved with everything we have going on here at Grayson United Methodist Church!
Sign up for our current ministries,
rec teams, classes and more right here!
Graysonkids Registrations
(birth through 4th grade)
Graysonkids on Wednesdays
Join us for Graysonkids on Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 p.m. as we learn more about Jesus! We'll have large group worship as well as small group time as we learn more about the Bible! There is no cost, and Pre-K 3 year olds through 4th graders are invited to be a part!
Vacation Bible School Volunteer
Interested in volunteering for VBS? Volunteers can already register to help this summer - it’s the week of June 8th-12th from 9:30am-12:30pm. We are already praying for you as you consider leading our kids during this special week!!
Bridge56 Registrations
(5th & 6th Grades)
None currently
The Walk Outreach Ministry
(6th - 8th Grades from Couch and Bay Creek Middle Schools)
The Walk: 6th-8th Grade
We're back! For Bay Creek & Couch students. From 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Life Enrichment, Tutoring, Games offered for everyone. Happens every other Tuesday starting January 14, 2020.
Free Food! Let us walk with our youth to help them reach their destinies!
GSM: Grayson Student Ministry
7th - 12th Grades
LIFT Tour Weekend
Calling all 7th through 12th grade students! Join us for an unforgettable weekend happening Friday, February 28th through Sunday, March 1st. LIFT Tour is a two-day weekend where students and churches all across Gwinnett gather together at Cross Pointe Church for a time of worship, teaching sessions, church family time, and the opportunity to build small group community.
Students will be staying in host homes with their small groups. The cost of LIFT Tour is $60. This includes your whole weekend of food, housing, t-shirt, and your experience at LIFT Tour.
So go ahead and click that button below because you DON’T want to miss out on this incredible weekend!
Adult Ministry Registrations
Young Adults 18-30
Join us weekly on Monday evenings for a time of fellowship with others 18-30.
Grief Recovery Program
Stephen Ministry is partnering with Pastor Scott on a Grief Recovery program at GUMC. Our 2nd 6 week class begins March 1st. We will meet from 5:00 to 6:30 pm in Room 7 to walk together through the stages of grief.