

Bridge 56 is the 5th and 6th Grade ministry of GUMC. Our ministry's desire is to bridge the gap between Grayson Kids and GSM, while providing students with the potential to know Jesus, grow spiritually, and be released into the world with a biblical worldview.

Bridge 56

Bridge 56 is our midweek service designed to be a welcoming and fun environment that middle schoolers don’t want to miss! We have an upbeat atmosphere with fun games, engaging worship, and Biblical teachings that speak to students where they are in their walk with Jesus.​

Bridge 56 Service begins at 6:00 pm in the gym, and ends at 7:30 pm. It kicks off Wednesday, August 14th.​

Please register your student for the 2019-2020 year below.


Sunday School:
Following the contemporary service, 6th grade students are encouraged to join our confirmation class. 5th Grade students will help with Sunday School for KIDS Ministry children.


Attitude 423

Our middle and high school students combine for music & worship each Sunday afternoon at 4:23 p.m. during the school year. This group sings contemporary praise and worship songs as they develop their vocal skills and prepare to lead others in worship, both here and on the summer music/ministry tour. Our student praise and worship choir takes its name from Ephesians 4:23 which says to “take on the attitude of Christ.”

For questions or more information, please contact Steve Sheppard at


We have several ways for middle and high school students to serve at GSM and Grayson UMC.

High school students can serve as Student Leaders in small groups and other leadership roles Wednesday nights at The Bridge 56. Middle school students have the opportunity to serve Wednesday nights with Grayson Kids. Also, all students are encouraged to take part in our local and foreign mission trips. 

For more information about any service opportunities, please fill out the form to the right. 


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Anna Schureck

Director of Student Ministries